Manufacturing Solutions
- Reaching for the sky.
MyXPert® ProductionManager
& your benefits!

Production Planning ERP/PPS
Machine networking
Today, DNC is an integral part of modern manufacturing. With the integrated DNC functionality of the MyXPert® ProductionManager, the most diverse needs of the individual machines can be covered.
Document Management System (DMS)
From the customer to the contact person to the article, it is possible to assign documents by drag & drop. There are no limits to the document category. We manage everything you need from a simple PDF file to your CAM project.
Article / storage location management
Items cannot only be uniquely identified. For efficient warehouse management, we can tell you down to the millimetre where your articles are located. So your networked warehouse systems know more too.
«With the ProductionManager
the planning of your business begins!»
Cycle - Technics and logistics
& how we help you!

The pyramid contains all the important processes that MyXPert ProductionManager contains or can be expanded. From the ERP to the input/output signal, all production processes are planned. Conversely, the production data is collected and used for planning.
More All-In-One solutions
Machine networking
With the integrated DNC functionality of the MyXPert® ProductionManager, a wide range of requirements of the individual machines can be covered.
Create a work plan
A work plan contains basic information and the number of workpieces to be produced. Afterwards, any number of operations can be added and provided with detailed information.
User settings
Different accounts with different user rights can be created in the user settings. Thus, each employee has his own account with corresponding rights.
With the MyXPert® ProductionManager database solution, your data is centrally backed up in one place. Now you can work on your data from everywhere and use every piece of information.
System settings
Different accounts with different user rights can be created in the user settings. Thus, each employee has his own account with corresponding rights.
Document Management System (DMS)
From the customer to the contact person to the article, it is possible to assign documents by drag & drop. There are no limits to the document category.
MyXPert® ProductionManager
Module / Features | MyXPert® OfficeManager | MyXPert® ProductionManager | MyXPert® ToolManager |
Adressen (Kunden, Lieferanten etc.) / Addresses (customers, suppliers etc.) | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Ressourcen (CNC-Maschinen, Handarbeitsplätze etc.) / Resources (CNC machines, manual workstations etc.) | - | ✓ | ✓ |
Artikel (Logistische Daten mit Preisen, Lagerorten etc.) / Articles (Logistical data with prices, storage locations etc.) | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Arbeitspläne (Vorlagen, Produktionsaufträge etc.) / Work plans (templates, production orders etc.) | - | ✓ | ✓ |
Fakturamodul / Invoice Module | ✓ | option | option |
Reports (Arbeitspläne, Lagerentnahmelisten etc.) / Reports (routings, stock picking lists etc.) | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Reports, Angebot – Rechnung / Anfrage – Bestellung etc. / Reports, offer - invoice / inquiry - order etc. | ✓ | - | option |
Reports (Einrichteblätter, Werkzeugmontagelisten etc.) / Reports (set-up sheets, tool assembly lists etc.) | - | - | ✓ |
Komplettwerkzeuge und Werkzeugkomponenten / Complete tools and tool components | - | - | ✓ |
2D/3D CAD manueller, halb-/vollautomatischer Zusammenbau / 2D/3D CAD manual, semi/fully automatic assembly | - | - | ✓ |
Reports (Grafische Werkzeugmontagelisten, Ablauflayouts etc.) / Reports (graphical tool assembly lists, process layouts etc.) | - | - | ✓ |
2D.ID Technologie für einzelne Komponenten und Baugruppen / 2D.ID technology for individual components and assemblies | - | option | ✓ |
Werkzeugbeschaffung (Lieferantenanfragen, -bestellungen etc.) / Tool purchasing (supplier enquiries, orders, etc.) | option | ||
Vollständige Lagerbewirtschaftung / Complete inventory management | option | option | option |
Wartungsverwaltung (Monitoring) mit eSignature Unterstützung / Maintenance management (monitoring) with eSignature support | - | option | option |